
Showing posts from July, 2017

IEP Eligibility Meeting Part 2

So sorry for the delay!  Here is Part 2 in the IEP Eligibility Meeting series. You've completed your introductions and those responsible for assessing your child have reported their findings.  Now what? At this point, it is time to determine whether or not your child needs special education.  Please note this very important point:   It is not okay for this determination to be made prior to the meeting.  In fact, it is illegal.   The decision should be made together as a team. Absorbing all of the evaluation data and the discussion about determination can feel incredibly overwhelming.  You are not the first to feel this way!  It is also common to experience heightened emotions at a meeting.  If you need a few moments to compose yourself, request a brief break. Keep in mind this team has been put together to help your child.  While you may not always agree, it is important to keep your composure and be mindful of your body language and tone.  If it is determined that your ch