
Welcome to a safe place where you can come to empower yourself and become the best parent and advocate for your child with special needs.  Parenting is a journey with many twists and turns.  When you have a child with unique needs, these twists and turns may seem a little more daunting and frightening than you might have expected.

It's okay.  Take a breath.  You're just going to reset your GPS a bit, dust yourself off, and get back on the road.

Take in your surroundings, offer yourself some grace when you make a wrong turn, and don't be afraid to stop and ask for directions.  Eventually, you will settle into your journey and arrive at your destination.

Slow down a bit.  You have been blessed with a precious child who will teach you more than you can ever imagine.  Kids are awesome like that:  they are resilient and start each day anew.  There will be new milestones met, questions asked, and experiences to be had.

Be kind and patient with yourself, your child, and your family.  There will be times where you will be so exhausted, frustrated, and confused you'll wonder how you'll ever get through this, but you will.  It may take awhile for life to level out, but one day you'll wake up and think to yourself, "I've got this."

No matter where you are in the journey, you're welcome here.  I'll do my best to fill this site with information to help guide you in the right direction.

I'm going to close with short excerpt from a Dixie Chicks song I love.  Each time I hear it, I think of my children and my desire to help take them to the top of the world.





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